Digital standee is a device which is equipped with digital display. This digital display can display various type of content to potential customers.
Digital standee can have a display technology based on LED , LCD , OLED or Projector .
It depends on the budget of the client.
Sometimes the requirement of the client is for short duration and quantity requirement is more. In this case client can go for Digital standee on rent.
Maxpro Displays provides Digital standee on rent in India.
Maxpro Displays is one of the pioneer brand of Digital signage and Digital standee Manufacturing from Delhi , India.
Maxpro Displays has a huge quantity of Digital standees available on rent.
Digital standees can play image content, Video content or text content. One of the main feature of Digital signage is that we can change the image or video very quickly.
Digital standees can be for rental purpose in
• Events
• Exhibition
• Product launches
• Conferences
• Store launches
• Marriages
• Corporate functions
Which sizes are available in Digital standees on rental?
Digital standees comes in size of 32inches, 43 inches and 55 inches.
Maxpro Displays have all the sizes of digital standees available on rent in India.