What is digital standees?

What is digital standees?

Digital standee is an upgraded version of regular branded standee. Digital standee is made up of a digital display with good quality frame holding it altogether.

Digital standee is used to display content in different forms, like Image , video, text or web pages.

The content in Digital standee can be changed as per the requirement and without any waiting .

These standees can be placed inside or outside the shop depending on the location and type of requirement client has.

Digital standees manufactured by Maxpro Displays comes with lockable wheels to make the movement of these standees easy.

Maxpro Displays is one of the Biggest brand of Digital signage manufacturing from India

Digital standee is equipped with Digital Display with full HD quality ( 4K also ) . The quality of the screen makes Digital standee more attractive to potential customer.

What are they used for?

* Branding and marketing
* Way finding
* Displaying messages
* Events and exhibitions

What type of Digital standees are available?

Digital standees can be of different types depending on the designs.

* Wall mounted
* Ceiling hanged
* Floor standing ( Free standing / straight)
* Table top digital signage
* A frame Digital standee ( Easel standees )

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